Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm a sucky sucker.

Yeah, I suck at updating right now. Too much happening. It seems when I have content to post I'm too busy dealing with the content to post.
So I'm stealing a few minutes from homework time to tell you how completely I've screwed myself over academically.

I am taking Human Anatomy and Physiology, Intermediate Algebra, and Intro Public Speaking. It's only 12 credits, but I think all of my instructors had a meeting about making me fail because here is my schedule for next week:

Monday: No Classes
Tuesday: Regular classes, no lab
That evening I'm chairing a park association meeting about new property lines, in which I have to try and get each of my neighbors to cough up about $1000.

WEdnesday: Algebra Exam
Speech (as in, giving one)
LAb practical (which means looking at about 50 different slides and
identifying them- tissue type, location, function) FROM MEMORY

That's just the first half of the week. I want to die.

That's all for now. Carry on.


Blogger Moveelvr said...

Holy sucky suck is right!! I would want to die too!

Not much to report here...been raining since December 19th...AAAHHHH!

7:56 AM  
Blogger The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Sorry to hear about the rain. We had a couple days of sunshine last week and it got up into the felt like spring. So nice. HAHA.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck with the neighbours!

6:10 AM  

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