Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I wasn't going to bother...

I have had such a bad run of luck the last week or so involving by rebellious physiology. Major dental issues, (2 temp crowns, 1 perm crown, loads of pain) and an odd swollen purple node on my jawline that I was told by my dear dentist was a leftover "bruise" from my last round of novocaine (not infection, as I had feared.) Upper respiratory infection complete with sinus pain and the runny nose that won't quit, plus a deep chest cough that I'm sure my smoking doesn't help at all. A herniated disk (disc?) in my back, which has been there forever but seems to be hurting more due to the physical therapy I chose as an alternative to back surgery.

Added to the stress and guilt I feel because I can't stop watching the news and the constant fear that's gripping me about the breakdown of society (which I am trying not to riff on because it will just get me more worked up.) Let's just say Bush making 2 supreme court appointments in the wake of an illegal war and a devastating natural disaster makes me want to go buy fifty pounds of grain and a hand-crank radio. And a cow. I have babies, after all.

Hopefully when school starts next week I will be able to get my mind to stop this circle of madness. And when J gets home tonite I can take some Nyquil and pass into a deep, satifying coma.

See, I shouldn't have bothered.


Blogger Marti said...

Suffering a toothache myself at the moment, so I can sympathize.

Hope you feel better soon, hon.

3:21 AM  
Blogger The Accidental Housekeeper said...

Thanks Marti, already feeling better.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Sorry to hear about your toothache. I also have a deep chest cough that I am sure my smoking isn't helping--and I also dose it with Nyquil. Do you thik it is wrong that I take the Nyquil during the day so that I can enjoy the buzz during my waking hours?

11:30 AM  
Blogger The Accidental Housekeeper said...


It is perfectly fine to take Nyquil during the day if you can stay awake after.

It would put me into a coma, though.

Oddly, it doesn't really help me sleep at night.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Alejandra Collis said...

If you feel this kind of pain again, be sure to seek your dentist's advice or at least call him for some emergency tips. If you follow those and get better, you can visit your dentist and he could check your situation. I hope that helps. ;)

8:37 AM  

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